The Engineering for Humanity Certificate is open to all undergraduate students. The certificate program both guides and formalizes student participation in engineering projects that serve marginalized communities while being environmentally and socially sustainable. Moreover, the certificate program addresses the significance of the rapid and effective penetration of culture, politics, and business forces in new technologies. This certificate will allow undergraduate students to earn credit for service learning projects. Students have the option of pursuing either a U.S. or international track.
The certificate embodies significant flexibility, with only 2 of 5 courses being explicitly defined, so participating students may tailor course work to their region and topic of interest. It is expected that with appropriate planning at least two of the courses will align with departmental BS graduation requirements.
View the Engineering for Humanity Certificate course requirements.
Click below to apply for the Engineering for Humanity Certificate:
Engineering for Humanity Certificate Application
Engineering for Humanity Certificate Checklist
- Schedule a preliminary meeting with an Engineering for Humanity committee member.
- Submit Application with a Plan of Study.
- Plan of Study Approved
- Complete Intent to Support Form.
- Intent to Support Form confirmed by Faculty Advisor
- Intent to Support Form confirmed by Community Partner
- Service Learning Proposal Submitted. Review example project provided.
- Service Learning Proposal Approved
- Pre-Project concept map meeting.
- Submission of final project report to advisor, community partner and MCSI.
- Post project concept map meeting.
- Request for EfH Certificate.
- Provide transcript to MCSI office confirming completion of required courses and minimum GPA.