Jennifer J. Wasco, DNP, RN is the Director of Nursing Continuing Professional Development and an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing (SoN), both at the University of Pittsburgh. She completed her BSN degree at Clarion University, her master’s at Waynesburg University and her Doctor of Nursing Practice at Chatham University.
Dr. Wasco’s career arc began the bedside in hematology-oncology with opportunities in medical device sales, continuing education, quality improvement consulting and finally nursing academic education. She worked closely with nurse preceptors as a practice experience coordinator ensuring post-graduate students matched well with preceptors and continues to pursue preceptor development projects. Her peer-reviewed publications span environmental health, nursing education, and academic leadership. Her current projects include nursing education in LGBQTIA+ issues, end-of-life, expanding workforce development, and several environmental health and sustainability initiatives.